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SENIOR PHOTOS - Capture this moment

Lisa Martin Lee

I absolutely LOVE shooting senior sessions! Having had two seniors at one time myself, I remember the excitement this year brings. Full of anticipation, planmaking and of course "Senioritits" Although Senior photos are a bit of tradition, I think it is more a celebration. A way to capture and package their youth. Capturing an expression of who they are today. Although teens today take a lot of photos and have at their disposal a variety of venues to share their smiles, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and the like, this is a one-time chance to have a professional session to create and produce wonderful images that are frame-worthy. Take advantage of the many options available to savor these images. A beautiful canvas or enlargement would be amazing to hang in your home.

With the new season getting off to a start for 2017 Seniors, there are so many options and ideas to create a fun and memorable senior photo experience. Ask me how!

See here two of my Featured 2017 Seniors GALLERY

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